A Fresh Light
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 7:15PM
Matt in jail, penitentiary, photography, urban decay, urban exploration

Those involved in urban exploration have learned to appreciate that this activity takes us to a huge variety of places; factories, hospitals, schools, theatres, churches, etc. As a result of the original purposes of these places, they tend to have very different characteristics, especially once abandoned.

This was clearly illustrated on a recent trip to a decommissioned correctional facility I explored. Since this was the first time I've ever explored a penitentiary some of these characteristics jumped out at me; beds, kitchens, cells, etc.

While I'm passionate about exploration in general, it's very refreshing to visit places that are so different from others I've been to.

A Fresh Light

Article originally appeared on mattandcess.com (http://www.mattandcess.com/).
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